When you are in the process of purchasing a home, be it newly built or an existing home, you’ll be wise to have several different inspections completed. A generic home inspection is a good start, but it never hurts to bring in specialty professionals for the features and systems that are the costliest to repair or replace. If the home you are buying has a swimming pool, you should always hire a pool inspector to check out the pool before you close on the house.
You’d definitely want to know about any leaks or other issues when the swimming pool has a few years on it. However, even a newly built pool can have issues, so regardless of the age of the pool, you should hire a pool inspector. Any number of things can cause problems with a pool, such as the ground shifting or tree roots causing cracks in the pool. Many issues can go completely unnoticed and have few signs other than water loss that is more significant than from typical evaporation or splashing during pool use.
Most real estate agents will recommend a pool inspector whether you are buying or selling a home, but if your agent does not, you can still hire one during the due diligence period. Going with a professional will carry more weight when it comes to negotiating due to a pool leak issue, so it makes sense to choose a reputable and trusted pool inspector.
If you are in the Austin, Texas area and are looking for a pool inspector, reach out to us at A+ Pool Leak Detectives. We are passionate about what we do. Our family-owned and operated pool leak detection company will not only inspect your pool, but also pinpoint where any leaks are located. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule an inspection.